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Employee Spotlight Winner, Q4 of 2019: Guillermo “Mo” Hernandez

Guillermo Hernandez

Meet Mo! Born and raised in the small town of Merkel, TX, Mo is the guy that is known for being able to do anything and everything. From overseeing the shop workers and crew leads, to running some of the most difficult operator jobs on the schedule (like going to North Dakota in the middle of December!), Mo is the guy we at Kardie Equipment (TGM Wind Services) go to when we need to get something done.

Going on his 10th year at TGM, he’s grateful for Director of Operations Keith Darby, who first brought the job to his attention all those years ago. Before that, Mo was doing preventative maintenance at an oil company. At the beginning, he wasn’t particularly comfortable around heights, but he has since grown used to being hundreds of feet in the air.

After years of working with the Brontos, Mo has become very familiar with their capabilities. He’s most impressed by the safety features, especially the lift’s emergency descent function. Other safety measures include smooth boom movements with automatic leveling, a wind speed indicator and alarm, and an in-basket intercom to connect to the ground personnel.

Outside of work, Mo spends as much time as he can with his family and friends, including his daughter Gabriella and chocolate lab, Hershey. Since he’s always traveling for work, he likes staying home and relaxing more than anything. It’s even better if a ribeye steak or fajitas are included!

Mo loves the close-knit community of TGM, and appreciates the friends he has made here over the last ten years. He and the guys have gotten really close, and knows that everyone, no matter what, will always have his back.

For more Employee Spotlight bios, please visit our blog at www.kardieequipment.com/blog.


HOLT Aerial
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HOLT Aerial believes in the safety of our employees, customers and job space above all. Already the industry leader in high elevated work platforms, we have also pushed ourselves to be the industry leader in the highest level of safety.

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